Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Anatomy Final Exam Example For Students

Anatomy Final Exam Question Answer 1. Air is killed by: Acid in the stomach 2. Bile is made by: Liver 3. Bile is stored in: Gallbladder Chief cells produce: pepsinogen and chymosin 4. Parietal cells produce: gastric acid 5. Where most digestive absorption occurs: small intestine 6. Which intestinal hormone stimulates contractions within the walls of the gallbladder and pushes bile into the small intestine: cholecystokinin (cck) 7. Enzymes from the ________ do most of the digestive work in the small intestine: Pancreas 8. Microvilli, Plicae and intestinal villi: increase the absorptive surface area of the small intestine 9. Chemical Digestion of fat is digested in: duodenum by: Bile 10. Chemical digestion of Protein is digestive in: stomach by: pepsin acid 11. Chemical digestion of Carbs is digestive starts in : mouth by: amylase secreted from glands (Salivary amylase functions to digest Carbs) 12. Intrinsic factor aids the absorption of ________ across the intestinal lining : Vitamin B12 13. The pancreatic duct penetrates the duodenal wall with the : common bile duct 14. Common Hepatic duct is : formed by the flowing together of the right and left hepatic ducts 15. The taeniae coli are: three narrow but distinct longitudinal bands of smooth muscle which run along the entire length of the cecum and colon

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